Our team understands how important it is to produce a video that can be visible from all angles and uses computer modelling software that lets us test out different designs in advance to ensure a successful video. We know how to take advantage of the holographic effect so that your customers are drawn in by the way that these videos change as you walk around them. Thousands of people will see and demonstrate your product, and we create the 3D video specifically for this purpose. We know how to give your exhibit a boost by making it as appealing as possible so that your customers are drawn into the conversation.
Grab Peoples Attention
XRVZN specializes in creating custom holographic fan video content for use on your holographic fan displays. These videos are specifically designed to take advantage of the holographic effect created by the fan display, so that users feel like they are standing right next to your product. Our videos are specifically designed to take advantage of the unique properties of holographic fan technology and will draw hundreds of visitors to your booth at every event.

XRVZN is the world leader in creating custom holographic fan video productions for your 3D fan display. Our 3D videos are attracting packed crowds at trade shows and conventions around the country. This engaging display sparks curiosity in your brand and material like nothing else. Our team has created high quality holographics and 3D graphics since before the term “VR” was coined. This holographic video production is something new, and we’re excited for visitors to experience these videos at events around the world!

XRVZN has been creating unique promotional and marketing solutions in the defense industry. We take pride in our superior quality of 3D Animation and our relentless commitment to customer service. In the past, we’ve provided customized on-site holographic displays and top-quality marketing solutions for companies like Arete and Marriott.
We work with you to create custom holographic fan videos that will draw users to your booth like moths to a flame. Contact us today to learn more about our holographic video services…